Category Archives: Studies on Nordic Walking

Put a Spring in your step!

We have an epidemic of obesity in the U.S. According to the study, “Americans are gaining an average of one to two pounds per year. If we don’t stop the present trend, by the year 2030, 86.3% of adults in … Continue reading

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Going outside can change your brain!

There was a recent article in the New York Times that is focused on how simply walking outside surrounded by nature is not only good for your body, mind and spirit but there is a new study that shows how your … Continue reading

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Walking outside the lines

One of the best ways to enhance your Nordic walk is to get off the cement and asphalt and onto a soft trail.  Just like coloring outside the lines it’s refreshing for both your body and your mind.  I’m not … Continue reading

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Mayo Clinic Health Letter includes Nordic Walking

The May issue of the Mayo Clinic Health Letter from Rochester, Minnesota included an article about Nordic Walking and the benefits of walking with poles.  yahoo! When I first started Nordic Walking in 2005  I was convinced that Nordic Walking … Continue reading

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Daily Exercise keeps the Doctor Away!

When I don’t exercise I really start to feel my age.  I’m stiff and achy, just don’t feel quite right.  I guess it’s not all in my head. A recent study from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology shows … Continue reading

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