When I don’t exercise I really start to feel my age. I’m stiff and achy, just don’t feel quite right. I guess it’s not all in my head.
A recent study from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology shows that “physically active individuals experience less chronic pain than those who are inactive.” A special note of interest: “The occurrence of chronic pain among individuals who exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes one to three times a week was close to 10% lower than for those who do not exercise at all. The difference was even greater among older women…20-40% less in active individuals.”
This study used water aerobics and Nordic walking as part of their protocol. How exciting!
The article goes on to show a connection between moderate exercise and mental health and pain associated with cancer. Similar to the studies of walking and brain health it’s all about moderate exercise, 30 minutes 3-5 times per week.
Once again, studies show what we already know, when we move we feel better in body mind and spirit!