Nordic Walking Instructor Trainings

It’s spring time in Minnesota and we have two wonderful opportunities for you to expand on your Nordic Walking knowledge and skills.  If you are an outdoor educator, community group leader, corporate wellness coordinator, group exercise leader, fitness trainer, Active Aging Adult programmer,  Nordic Walking is a fun and affordable way to promote daily fitness activity within your programs.

Tom Rutlin’s Exerstride Method Nordic Walking Instructor Training is on Wednesday, April 11 from 5-9pm at Eagan Community Center in Eagan, Minnesota.  Registration is available on line or you can register the day of the event at no extra cost.  Poles will be available to use for the training and special pricing will be available for purchase of poles for your programming.

Nordic Walk Now Instructor Training is being offered through Normandale Community College on Saturday May 12 from 8:30am-noon. Learn Suzanne Nottingham’s low impact Nordic Walking technique using LEKI poles. Register on line for this course, 3 CEU’s available.

For more information or details on these programs please email me today!

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