Sharing the passion and joy of Nordic Walking

I am doubly blessed this week as I get to do my favorite thing twice in 4 days.  Maria Walde Douglas and I are repeating our Nordic Walking for Parkinson’s Group Leaders at Struthers Parkinson’s Clinic and I’m leading an ANWA Nordic Walking Instructor Training.  Two wonderful opportunities to share my passion and expertise for Nordic Walking.  It’s also a chance to pass it on.

Liz Ogren got me started Nordic Walking with Parkinson’s 3 years ago.  I’ve learned so much from her and from Maria about Parkinson’s and the special benefits of Nordic walking poles for this group.  Our class on Wednesday night was an amazing mix of PT’s, OT’s, students, Group Exercise Leader, persons with Parkinson’s, and a special guest PT from Singapore interested in learning more about it and taking it home with her to the clinic there.  It was energizing, inspiring and fun!  I’m looking forward to our second evening next week.

Tomorrow morning I have a small group of new instructors meeting me for the ANWA training. It’s suppose to rain so I’m hoping it holds off until we’re done.

Love the energy and interest about Nordic Walking this year!

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