People are creative in the midwest. When the ground freezes they turn to hydroponics to grow fresh lettuce and tomatoes all year round. We have Bushel Boy, a local Minnesota company and I’ve just discovered Future Farm Food and Fuel LLC from Baldwin, Wisconsin. Their marketing tag is “a deeper shade of green” and it’s amazing what they’re doing!
My local meal this week was a family raised chicken roasted in the oven stuffed with home grown garlic and lemon and brushed with olive oil. Accompanied by garlic mashed potatoes, corn and strawberries from the freezer and a delightful salad simply made from a head of butter head lettuce from Future Farm topped with local blue cheese and Brianna’s salad dressing ( I don’t make my own dressing, lazy I guess)
Once again, simple home grown cooking from the queen, but I had to have time to ski and play outdoors last weekend so no real time for cooking 🙂