Hold onto your poles!
From 41 Nordic Walkers at the Trail Loppet a week ago we have 135 Nordic Walkers registered for the Birkie Trail Run and Trek this Saturday. Can you believe it?
City of Lakes Trail Loppet was a warm and beautiful morning. If you’re looking for a challenge this is it! Lots of hills that meander through the forests of Minneapolis. You’ll think you are in the north woods somewhere but when you look to get your bearings you’ll find a freeway or city tower to set yourself straight. Mark your calendar for 2012 now to come and push yourself. You won’t be disappointed.
The Birkie Trek this weekend offers no such landmarks. You’ll be on trail with only trees and sky to mark the way. It’s a wonderfully wide trail thru the woods so you won’t get lost. Half Marathon with your poles. The first year we all wondered how long it would take: 15 minute miles for 13.1 miles = 3 hours and 15 minutes. If you’re coming I’ll see you there. If not, do something rash and register right now to come and do the “Birkie”. It’s a tradition,the Birkie Trail, and full of history. Come and listen to it’s story first hand. If not this year, put it on your calendar for 2012!