It’s long been a dream of mine to lead Nordic walking groups for our Veterans. I’m excited to tell you that this month it’s finally happened. Having completed my volunteer orientation early in September we have group walks scheduled with the Therapeutic Recreation Dept through November. Thank you Leah!
Walks will be at 11am on selected Thursday mornings, meeting at Building 48, room 16 – the fitness center. All vets and their spouses/caregivers are invited to participate in these free walks. We will walk for an hour but everyone can choose the distance, time and intensity that works for them. Poles and introductions to Nordic walking technique will be provided.
Calendar of walks:
September 28, October 12 and 26, November 2 and 16.
This is the complete schedule for fall and we will resume in the spring hopefully on a weekly basis.
If you are a vet or know of vets in the St Cloud area that would like to join us please share this information with them.
Ready to Give it a Try?
I am available to teach Nordic Walking Classes to individuals and groups.
Email me or call me at 952.475.0891 for more information.
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