Inspiration comes to you in the most unexpected places.
Last week I taught the Nordic Walking Intro Class. It was a cold, wet night and Corinna was the only one to show up for the class. She was not a new walker, she’s had her poles for about a year. She was looking for a bit of a refresher and some personal coaching.
We walked and talked for an hour in the rain. She did well with a few small suggestions but ultimately I was surprised by the end of the walk to be the one receiving the inspiration for moving forward.
The past few weeks have been busy with sorting and packing. I’ve retired and we’re moving. The process involves a lot of letting go. I was prepared to let go of stuff but surprised at the necessity to let go of so much that identifies who I am. I’m still the “Nordic Walking Queen”but no longer the coordinator for HOW, member of Hoigaard’s staff, owner of home and property, oldest sibling living on the family land. I must admit to having some difficulty with all of that.
Corinna listened as we walked. She observed that I must feel lighter and better able to move forward into this next adventure. She felt certain that there would be so many new opportunities and joys that it would be wonderful.
As we walked back to our cars, still in the rain, I did indeed feel lighter. Corinna inspired me to look beyond all the hard work of letting go and packing up my life and look forward to what’s coming next