North American Nordic Walking Instructor Training!

Malin Svensson and Gary Johnson are coming back to Minneapolis in August.  They were our partners for the 2nd Annual North American Nordic Walking Expo in June and had so much fun they just had to come back to do an INWA (International Nordic Walking Association)  Instructor Certification.  

Actually, they were so impressed with Nordic Walkers here in Minnesota, (they even came out in the rain) they felt it would be an excellent location for a training.  Eagan Community Center is our host for the program, a beautiful facility on the east side of town.   

This is the first time that Nordic Walking North America have offered this training here in the Twin Cities.  Malin is considered to be one of the leading Nordic Walking experts in the world.  Gary, her partner with Nordic Walking North America is a fitness expert coming from a background as a professional soccor player.  It is a 2 day workshop for fitness professionals and instructors. The training is mainly an outdoor course and includes theory and history as well as technique, video and personal feedback. Cost of the training is $299.

Why get certified?  If you are a fitness trainer Nordic Walking is your opportunity to encourage more individuals to make a change to a healthier, active lifestyle.  Many people shy away from “gym memberships” because they don’t see themselves as athletic or fit. Nordic Walking requires no spandex, no helmet and everyone can do it without being put in front of a mirror or on a machine.  Help us get people outdoors and moving.  It’s the perfect addition to any trainer’s repertoire.

There is so much potential for Nordic Walking to change peoples lives, to move them towards a healthier lifestyle, to turn around the obesity epidemic. Don’t you want to be part of that?

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