Muddy time at the barn

Sometimes going outdoors to play is messier than normal.  Winter is melting away here in Minnesota with warm temps and rain. A nasty way to finish a beautiful winter.  The end result is that our snow is disappearing at an astonishing rate leaving behind lots of mud and puddles.


The barnyard is a muddy mess!  Water is having a tough time finding it’s way out and the sheep are having an equally tough time navigating through the mud and water. If there’s one thing sheep don’t like it’s rain and wet. The lambs are filthy, the ewe’s very unhappy and Nemo pushes his way into the barn at every opportunity.


Good thing we all have rubber boots.  I did chores yesterday and couldn’t resist trying to make little ditches with my heels in the mud to direct the water out of Sam’s tire ruts and into the pond.  I can remember Laura as a little girl stomping through the puddles at every opportunity, guess I know where she gets it from.

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