Dark Days Challenge Week 16

I know I’m late for last week but I’m so committed to this challenge that I wanted to make sure I posted that I did do my meal!

 I scored on Wednesday nite when I found a solitary spaghetti squash on the bottom of the pantry shelf.  I baked it up while I put some pork chops out to defrost.  It was a simple dinner, do I do anything else compared to all the culinary expertise in this group???

 Local pork chops from the freezer cooked on the grill with a homemade rub on them, spaghetti squash with butter and salt, strawberries from the freezer and rolls from Great Harvest Bakery. yum!



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  1. Pingback: Dark Days 09/10 :: Week #16 Recap (East, Midwest) « (not so) Urban Hennery

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