Dark Days Challenge Week 14

A road trip is great, allows you to bring local food with you where ever you go. We brought lots of eggs from my chickens to enjoy in Big Sky. Local breakfasts this week included bacon from our pig, omelets from our eggs, bread from the Blue Moon Bakery here in Big Sky, MN Creamery butter, and maple syrup from our neighborhood. Always good to have a big breakfast before heading out to the mountain.The other favorite thing to bring along is one of our homegrown chickens. Bringing it frozen keeps everything cold in the cooler. Last night Michelle, my niece who lives here, and I roasted the chicken in the oven stuffed with lemon and garlic,made MN wild rice with sauteed onions, celery and garlic and a not so local salad on the side.  I know it sounds a lot like Laura’s dinner from last week, and I completely over do chicken but that’s one of the blessings of growing your own, it’s so easy to take them out of the freezer!

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  1. Pingback: Dark Days 09/10 - Week #14 Recap (Midwest, West) « (not so) Urban Hennery

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