Did You Know?
It’s my birthday today! And my birthday wish is for all of you to go outside and play in the snow today.
Gail and I have been snowshoeing instead of nordic walking this holiday week. There is something magical about taking off in the fresh snow before the sun comes up. We tracked along our road and into the fields and wetlands around us. I wonder what the office dwellers thought when they came to work and saw our big foot prints in their front yards.
We have a pact for our morning walks, we often begin our walks with a bit of venting about the hard stuff going on in our lives. Morning ranting and raving gets us walking faster and ups the heart rate. But the rule is that by the end of the walk we have to find the joy in the day. It may be something very simple, but it always brings us back to being centered and grateful for the new day and all it brings to our lives. It sets me up to seeing joy all day long.
On Tuesday morning we made joy, literally. In our snowshoes we stomped out 30 foot high “Joy, Peace, Joy” in the snow fields over at the Carlson Twin Towers. We laughed and giggled the whole time, snow flying from our snow shoes and visions of employees reading our message in the snow dancing in our heads. I don’t know if anyone even saw it, but it certainly brought joy to our day as we told our shared the story over and over again.
I hope joy has found all of you during this holiday season. My mom’s favorite Christmas Card greeting was “Joy to Your World!” May we all see joy every day, letting it find us when we least expect it.