Nordic Walking Queen is off to New York

I can’t believe it!  Greg Wozer, president of LEKI USA, called me on Wednesday to ask if I would be willing to fly to New York next Friday and be the spokesperson for Nordic Walking on CBS Morning Show.  Wow!   Of course I said yes.

It’s been a long journey.  I’ve been a walker since 1985.  Getting up at 5:30 am to hit the trail for my morning workout. Why so early?  It was the only time that no one else wanted and I’m basically a morning person anyway.  My walking partner, Gail, lives next door so we set the motivation for each other to get up and going.  A day is just not right if it doesn’t start out with a walk.  Walking sets the pace for my day, the  rhythm of my life.  Adding Nordic Walking Poles in 2004 was a perfect fit!  I’ve personally seen the results in my own fitness levels and love to pass the good news on to everyone I meet. 

LEKI’s mantra is one walker at a time!  And I’m known to stop or turn around on the trail to answer questions and tell people about what I’m doing.

And now I get to New York and tell millions of people about it!  I’m excited and nervous and wondering what to wear. It’s going to be such a fun adventure.  What I know right now is that it will be an outside one minute of fame sometime during the Early Morning Show.  If I get more details I’ll pass them on.  Til then, New York get ready, the Nordic Walking Queen is coming.

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