My daughter Laura has invited all of us to join the 3rd annual Dark Days of Winter Challenge. For anyone new to eating locally and living a sustainable lifestyle Laura is a true inspiration. She and Mike live on three and a half acreas of heaven in Arlington WA, about 45 miles north of Seattle. On their small farm they have laying chickens and a huge garden, raised meat chickens, and shop locally for the rest of their meat and produce. Her blog, was featured this past Sunday in the local paper, so you can read more about her.
This year I’ve accepted the challenge and it requires that I post my weekly meal, with pictures, to share with the others in the group. Sunday was the beginning of the challenge and we cooked our first local meal as a pre Thanksgiving feast to send our son Danny off to Vail for the winter. (more on his adventures later)
In the excitement of the meal I totally forgot to take picture but here is what I cooked.
Homegrown chicken baked in the oven stuffed with homegrown rosemary, garlic and an organic lemon from who knows where (one of my exceptions to the rule) on a bed of chopped veges: carrots, onions, turnips
local red mashed potatoes and homemade gravy with the drippings and veges
romanesque brocolli from the last farmers market in Minneapolis
homemade danish pastry
locally made icecream and homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert
next time I’ll be sure to take pictures….
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