I’m in Big Sky Country enjoying some family time on the mountain. One last ski trip to end the season. I traveled with my husband, son, and brother and met my 2 neices here in Big Sky. It’s one of my favorite mountains, maybe because we’ve spent so much time here. It was the first mountain my kids skied 20 years ago and the one that called to Sam a few years ago. But I think Lone Peak calls to us all and I always look forward to our time share weeks here.
Today was a special day for me. Sam, my youngest, is an incredible skier and this morning he went back to the beginning and allowed me introduce him to telemark skiing. We freed our heels to make bended knee turns. My daughter Laura gave me my first lesson at Solitude many years ago and I was immediately hooked by the rhythm and flow of a tele turn. It was my pleasure to pass it on and it was especially fun to be the instructor and be able to be the first at the bottom of the hill, at least at the beginning of the day. Typical of Sam he quickly caught on and by the end of the day we were cruising the blues from top to bottom and once again he was in the lead.
Sharing the joy of learning something new, challenging oneself to stretch out and risk failing, to be clumsy and unsure as a beginner and celebrate new skills and experiences…it was a very good day! And the best thing, we still have 2 more days of skiing before we head back to “flat land”