Some mother’s got flowers or breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day. I got laying chickens from my daughter and a trip to farmer’s market from my boys.
Actually, the chickens were an early mother’s day present. Delivered overnight by the US Postal Service, twenty six little bitty birds in a box a bit bigger than a shoe box arrived on April 18. I am happy to say that almost a month later they are all still alive, including the free, top hat rooster.
There are 5 different breeds: Ameraucanas, Black Astralorps, Silverlaced Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, and Partridge Rocks. Nothing plain about this flock! They’re still shy and don’t really want anything to do with us but Laura tells me that I can start feeding them vege scraps this week to make them love me.
To celebrate Mother’s Day we got up early to go to the Minneapolis Farmer’s Market. It was wonderful to wander thru the vendors to pick out annuals and hanging baskets while the guys carried it all back to the car.
I spent the rest of my mother’s day in the kitchen and gardens preparing for family dinner and potting up annuals. It was a perfect mother’s day! I just can’t wait til we actually have eggs from these little chicks!
Thanks for celebrating Mothers Day with us. Follow us on twitter @MplsfarmMarket