Yes it’s true! I flew off to Buffalo, New York to do some filming with LEKI. They wanted to replace the DVD that comes with the poles with a video on their website. I got to be the star! Lindy was a most gracious host and it was great fun to work with Joe and Tom again. The weather was beautiful in Buffalo, 80 and sunny, the perfect day for filming outside. We worked all day and then nordic walked (of course) to a small Italian restaurant for dinner.
I was exhausted from being in front of the camera all day, good reminder to keep my day job! But it was also a good reminder of how far we’ve come in the past few years with Nordic Walking. When we first started no one knew anything about it, including those of us at Hoigaard’s. We were on the “cutting edge” of nordic walking, introducing it to the midwest.
Keep spreading the good news! LEKI’s motto is one walker at a time. There were several “friends” with us on the Mississippi River last Tuesday and they all finished the walk as new converts. With any luck those friends will bring a friend this week and so it grows. Already this year we have walked with 132 people. Maybe this is the year we take off like Europe did and everyone we know will be walking with poles!