Don’t hit the wall, go out the door!

 When you hit the wall you need to find the door to go outside. I feel like I’m suffering from a split personality lately and that all of those personalities are working overtime.

I’m a little overwhelmed by working the sales floor, doing the HOW events, leading corporate and community demo’s, selling plants for Shady Sisters, planning the winter calendar (Women’s Expo at Buck Hill, Breckenridge Ski Trip), organizing  for Tent Sale and the upcoming equipment season, training new employees, taking care of the farm and gardens,  and of course managing family and home. It’s the never ending cycle of feeling like there’s just not enough hours in the day to get it all done.  When I found myself wandering in the yard wondering why I went out (I think I was going to fill bird feeders) I knew it was time to just stop, slow down and go play. 

Saturday, with a little help from my husband and friends I did just that.  After an early morning meeting at Hoigaard’s we packed it up and rode the new Dakota Trail from Wayzata to St Boni.  It was a perfect day to be on our bikes, it’s a beautiful trail, and there’s a bistro with ice tea and breakfast in St Boni. I felt like I was playing hookey and it felt great!  We simply enjoyed the ride and our time together, leaving chores and responsibilities at home for the day.  When we finished, 28.5 miles later, we came back to the pool for cold drinks and snacks which led into dinner with my brother in the gazebo watching the rain fall on the gardens.

I successfully didn’t do anything constructive all day, after the meeting of course.

I slept so good!  and woke up Sunday morning ready to pick up where I had left off, refreshed and re-energized by the fresh air, the exercise and the time with friends. It was a reminder that I need to do what I’m always telling you all to do, go outside and play! and do it on a regular basis, not just when I hit the wall.

Reality check, it’s much easier to open the door to go outside than it is to hit the wall anyway!

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