Community Walking groups are typically free or may have a small membership fee to join. I’ve listed locations and contacts for these groups, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me. Check to see if poles are provided for new walkers. Most groups allow walkers to choose their pace and distance that is comfortable for them. Be sure to check out the details before walking with any group. There will be more groups added as the season gets going.
Maple Grove
Maple Grove has 3 different Nordic walking groups. Contact Sher Monfor for schedules and for help in choosing the one just right for you. Poles provided for use during walks.
Cold Spring
Wednesday mornings at 8:30am. Meet at the ROCORI Senior Center in the parking lot outside door #5. After June 6 we meet at a different location each week. Poles and quick intros available for new walkers. Schedule available from lindamlemke@gmail.com
St Cloud – Lake George
leader – LindamLemke@gmail.com
Thursday mornings at 9am. Meets by the granite fountain off 4th St and Lake Blvd East. Group walks for an hour, the loop is .75 mile for one lap or there is a .5 mile trail next to the lake. Poles and quick intros available for new walkers.
Oakdale Nature Preserve
led by Leda Newman contact: lnewman50@yahoo.com
My group walks at the Oakdale Nature Preserve, 4444 Hadley Ave N in Oakdale every other Saturday at 11:00 am. Our next scheduled walks are on April 22 and May 6. There is a group of about 8 of us, but of course not everyone can come each time. The park is very pretty with a variety of trees and wildlife, along with a boardwalk across a small lake. We welcome others to join in. Need your own poles.
Gladstone, Maplewood
1945 Manton St, Maplewood, led by Cheryl Gysbers
Tuesdays at 9 am. To join please email Jordi T at Jtuillardcui@isd622.org. He will forward your info to Cheryl and she will contact you. They have a group text that is sent out each week so they know who is walking and who is not. That way there is no waiting around for people who are not coming.
Centennial Lakes
7499 France Ave Led by Julie Turnbull
Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm Starting May 9
Meet down by the fountains in front of the Hughes Pavilion. You can park down below also. a limited number of poles available.
Downtown Minneapolis
Led by Susan Russell Freeman, contact Susan if you’re interested in joining this group
susanrussellfreeman@gmail.com This is a new group, schedule and locations being determined now.
Becker Community Center
Becker MN led by Mary Simpler
Mary leads a variety of different walking groups and classes
contact Mary for more information – rsim608949@aol.com